A pile of books, some stacked and some scattered, in two cardboard boxes.
Material Donations

Do you have books, movies, and music you’d like to donate? Donations are accepted year round at the Circulation Desk. Staff review donations against our Collection Development Policy to determine if they will extend, strengthen, and complement the library’s collection. Materials not added to our collection will become part of the Friends of the Library book sales.

Monetary Donations

Your tax-deductible donation to the Friends of the Library (Nonprofit Tax ID: 36-3814392) helps the library by financially supporting improvements in the collections, services, and the cultural opportunities available to our community.

Open Form - Step 1 of 3
Planned Giving

A planned gift allows you to create a legacy for our community and helps ensure that your hopes and dreams for Glenside Library will be realized for generations to come. Please consider Glenside Library in your estate plan and will. Some of the most popular forms of planned gifts are listed below:

  • Wills and Living Trusts – Include Glenside Library in your will or living trust. This is known as a charitable bequest. You can leave a specific amount, a gift contingent upon certain events, or a percentage of your estate. This gift may entitle your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction.
  • Beneficiary Designations – Name Glenside Library as a beneficiary to receive assets such as retirement plans and life insurance policies after your lifetime. To do this, you need to fill out a form that is entirely separate from your will. Since Glenside Library is tax-exempt, the entire asset is transferred to the library to support the work and mission you value. A beneficiary designation can be reviewed and adjusted to best fit your stage in life.
  • Other Gift Options – Consider charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, even real estate. Take the time to review your options carefully and plan your gift in consultation with your family, lawyer or financial and/or tax advisor.