- B&W 1-50: free
- B&W 51+: $0.10
- Color 1-50: $0.10
- Color 51+: $0.30
- Save to USB
- Save to Drive
- Send to email
- Send to printer
- Outbound only
- U.S. & Canada
- International
- E-confirmation
All 58 public access computers in the library are connected to printers through print release stations. There are two release stations in the Adult Services department. You can pick up your print jobs at any release station, regardless of the location of the computer you are using. Please note that we do not allow printing on cardstock, labels, or any other special paper.
Wireless Printing (NEW)
In addition to printing from our public access computers, library users are able to print from their own devices using one of the methods below. Please note that there is a 50 page limit.
Step 1: Visit our ePRINTit portal.
Step 2: Drag and drop the files you wish to print onto the upload page.
Step 3: Enter your library card number or name under “User Information.”
Step 4: Click “Submit.”
Step 5: Retrieve your print job from the print release station using either your library card number or name.
Step 1: Visit your app store and download the “Public Print Locations” app.
Step 2: Open the ePRINTit app and select the content you want to print (email, web page, photo, documents, etc).
Step 3: Select the item you wish to print and tap “Next.”
Step 4: Choose “TBS” as your provider. Choose “Glenside Public Library” as your location.
Step 5: Set your print job settings (copies, pages, B&W/color, etc).
Step 6: Enter your library card number or name under “User Information.”
Step 7: Click “Print.”
Step 8: Retrieve your print job from the print release station using either your library card number or name.
Step 1: Forward the email and attachments you wish to print to:
- tbs-glensidepld-bw@eprintitservice.com (for B&W prints)
- tbs-glensidepld-color@eprintitservice.com (for color prints)
Step 2: Refresh your email inbox until you receive an email back from ePrintit. This will contain your username for the print release station.
Step 3: Retrieve your print job from the print release station using the assigned username.
A color copier is located in the Adult Services department and is capable of reproducing letter, legal and tabloid paper sizes. Depending on the size and scope of your project, library staff may direct you to a Simple Scan station instead.
Our Simple Scan stations easily accommodate documents up to 11” x 17” and allow you to send files to a USB flash drive, smartphone, Google Drive, email, and more. Scanned documents may saved in several file formats including PDF (searchable), Word (editable), JPEG, TIFF, and PNG. Better yet, Simple Scan stations can auto-crop, auto-straighten, and auto-orient your documents.
Send local and long-distance faxes with our Simple Scan stations. If you do not have a cover page, you can use the touchscreen to create one. Enter your email address, so that you can feel confident that the fax has gone through (receipt) and that it has been received (confirmation).