Grab your favorite snacks and get ready for a B-film binge with Kanopy’s B-Film Bonanza! Share your must-see pick, and let’s explore the quirky charm of cult cinema together! Just head to kanopy.com/category/82626.

A giant spider stalks a band of thieves in this schlocky thriller from Gene Corman Productions. The story follows gangster Alexander Ward and his crew as they enlist the help of a local ski-instructor in the heist of several gold bars. But when they use explosives to create a distraction, they disturb the lair of a massive spider! Monte Hellman, the man behind such cult favorites as Two-Lane Blacktop, made his directorial debut with Beast from Haunted Cave.
Directed by Oscar Award-winning filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola comes one of his very first feature films. In Dementia 13, we follow Louise Haloran who is left widowed after her husband suddenly dies of a heart attack. Worried she will not be able to claim any of her husband’s inheritance, she convinces his family he is away on a business trip and joins them at their Castle estate on an isolated Irish island. The family has gathered in remembrance of the 7 year anniversary of their daughter’s death – and Louise is about to find out that the Haloran family has a morbid way of mourning their dead…
Vince Lombardi High School keeps losing principals to nervous breakdowns because of the students’ love of rock ‘n’ roll and their disregard of education. The putative leader of the students is Riff Randell, who loves the music of the Ramones. A new principal, the rock-music-hating Miss Evelyn Togar, is brought in and promises to put an end to the music craze. When Miss Togar and a group of parents attempt to burn a pile of rock records, the students take over the high school, joined by the Ramones, who are made honorary students. When the police are summoned and demand that the students evacuate the building, they do so, which leads to an explosive finale.
A clumsy florist grows a giant talking plant with a taste for human flesh. In order to whet his plant’s appetite, he is forced to kill, leading to horrific -and comedic- results. This film inspired the 1980’s musical of the same name.
A gang of thugs devise a cruel hoax that goes horribly wrong as Melvin is cast through a third story window into a vat of hazardous toxic waste. However, an unexpected metamorphosis takes place. As the chemicals take hold of his body, Melvin turns into The Toxic Avenger, doer of good, and brutal mauler of evil! The rest, as they say, is history!