World Suicide Prevention Day

Illustration of two hands reaching toward each other with the text "World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10th, 2021.

If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call 911 immediately.

Observed annually on September 10th, World Suicide Prevention Day is a time to remember those affected by suicide, to raise awareness, and to focus efforts on directing treatment to those who need it most. To contribute to the worldwide effort, Kanopy has curated five films/documentaries to highlight the issue.

Cartoon character of a smiling man with brown hair, wearing a black suit and purple tie.
Kevin Sayar
Kanopy CEO
Three people walking on a sidewalk, one holding a drum. Houses and another person in the background. Sunny weather.

A Life Worth Living

Today, there are aboriginal communities across the country that are making a difference. “A Life Worth Living” looks at the suicide issue amongst First Nations from a historical and cultural perspective and presents positive examples of native-run programs. We see aboriginal groups who incorporate traditional teachings and cultural values, raise suicide awareness through a cross-country walk, create youth programs and training the trainer workshops.

Hand reaching towards the sun, text reads "Understanding and Preventing Suicide: An Educational Program for the Public".

Understanding and Preventing Suicide

How can you know if your family member or friend may be suicidal? How do you recognize the warning signs? How can you help? This video program for the public describes the risk factors and warning signs of suicide and offers guidelines from experts in suicide prevention and treatment for getting troubled loved ones to the professional help they need. You’ll also hear from three individuals who have made serious suicide attempts and lived, as they share their remarkable stories of self-destructiveness, survival, and recovery.

Black and white textured background with red text stating "What Haunts Us" and a warning about paying attention to kids.
 What Haunts Us
(2018) on IMDb

What Haunts Us

After the 7th suicide of a former classmate, one woman turns to the past to uncover the truth of a scandal that haunts Charleston to this day.

A flyer for "Voices of Suicide: Learning from Those who Lived," an educational program for mental health professionals.

Voices of Suicide

In this documentary style educational program for mental health professionals, interviews from expert psychologists provide important insights into the relationship between early developmental experiences and the later psychological states that lead to suicidal behavior. This video is an invaluable resource for mental health professionals to understanding the minds of suicidal individuals and the elements necessary for successful treatment and recovery.

Two women in swimsuits smile and enjoy themselves in a natural body of water.

Here One Day

When filmmaker Kathy Leichter moved back into her childhood home after her mother’s suicide, she discovered a hidden box of audiotapes. Sixteen years passed before she had the courage to delve into this trove, unearthing details that her mother had recorded about every aspect of her life from the joys and challenges of her marriage to a State Senator, to her son’s estrangement, to the highs and lows of living with bipolar disorder.

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