Schedule Your Exam
As part of our support for life-long learning, we’re glad to serve as a proctoring site for your professional or student examination. We provide space to take written exams, as well as public access computers for online exams, during regular library hours Monday through Thursday and limited Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
How Proctoring Works
For paper exams, we can book a private study room for you. The library staff proctoring your exam do not stay in the room with you, unless instructed to do so, but may check on the student periodically.
For online exams, you can use a laptop computer in a private study room. If you do not own a laptop computer, you may use a public access computer in our Computer Lab. Again, the library staff proctoring your exam will not sit in the room with you, unless instructed to do so, but may check on the student periodically.
To get a copy of the exam to library staff, your school or institution can send your exam, and any necessary documentation or passwords to via email to asref@glensidepld.org, via fax to 630-260-1433, or by mail to:
ATTN: Adult Services
Glenside Public Library District
25 E Fullerton Ave
Glendale Heights, IL 60139