Easy Dyed Play Silks and Capes

Play silks are inspiring, open-ended toys that children can transform into almost anything with their creativity and imaginations, like a red and orange silks for lava and blue silks for water, or wearing them as magical capes or carriers for dolls. Melissa Lang Lytle of Hex House Crowns is a fiber artist and handwork teacher, and she will guide you through the very accessible process of dyeing play silks using RIT dye. Start with a dreamy ombre rainbow pattern and then try a whimsical, heart-shaped tie dye. With Melisssa’s tips, you can also dye wool felt in the same dye bath as your silks in order to maximize your dye as well as color-match your materials. Children can heop with certain parts of the dyeing, and everyone will enjoy the exciting reveal of the finished silks.

Access the class beginning June 7th

Cartoon of a smiling man with a large mustache, short dark hair, wearing a teal jacket and a white turtleneck.
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