Need a computer? Register for a chance at a FREE COMPUTER! Compudopt provides reconditioned computers to families who do not OWN the computer in their home. The computer is free. It is yours to keep forever. Better yet, Compudopt provide “how to” tech support for up to 2 years.

Marketing Coordinator
To Qualify:
- Families must have a child in K-12 education and not own a working computer at home. Devices provided by the school should not be counted as they are not owned by the family. You only need to register one time for the giveaway.
- Complete the registration form below. Compudopt will send a text message to the phone number you entered if you are selected to receive a computer. Please note recipients will be randomly selected; not everyone who registers will receive a computer. Limit one per household.
- Families who are randomly selected will receive an access code to pick up your computer at our distribution event on Wed, 11/16 from 5:00-7:00 pm at Glenside Library (25 E Fullerton Ave, Glendale Heights, IL 60139).